This is how advertising benefits from the use of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) came into our lives to stay. Present in all kinds of fields, this technology has had a direct impact on the working methods and possibilities of companies linked to Marketing and Advertising. During the digital transformation process, companies in the advertising industry can use this tool to better understand the online world and apply their strategies more efficiently. In the long list of benefits of incorporating IA to companies in the sector, the following stand out: 1) Automation: certain repetitive tasks can be automated, thus freeing up workers' time. The creation of reports or the recording of comments in the RRSS is just two examples of work frequently carried out in advertising agencies that can be automated. 2) Speed and accuracy: analyzing large amounts of data in a short time, organizing them precisely, is perhaps the most obvious but useful of the uses of AI in Advertising. Decision-making becomes faster and more useful because it is done based on concrete data. 3) Customer Satisfaction: IA marks a before and after in the response given to customers through social networks, simplifying the work of the Community Manager. 4) Monitoring: to make the follow-up of the published thing in mass media on certain thematic can be done in seconds, thus saving great amounts of time. 5) Forecasting: AI's predictive capabilities allow you to better understand the market, and therefore anticipate market needs. In essence, the incorporation of AI into Advertising allows different tasks to be carried out with greater efficiency, speed, and less investment. In times where immediacy reigns, having a useful tool to make quick, data-driven, and efficient decisions are vital. It is for this reason that AI applied to Advertise is presented as a before and after for companies in the sector and their progress towards digitalization.